Samsung ARTIK Challenge untuk pengembang IoT diluncurkan, berhadiah $100,000

Presiden dan Chief Strategy Officer Samsung Electronics Young Sohn telah meminta industri teknologi untuk menggunakan Internet of Things (IoT) dalam mengatasi tantangan utama yang dihadapi oleh dunia saat ini. Dia juga menekankan pentingnya platform terbuka dan kolaborasi industri untuk mempercepat pengembangan aplikasi dan layanan IoT baru.

"Sebagai sebuah industri kita harus bergabung bersama untuk menggunakan kekuatan dari IoT untuk mengatasi tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh masalah-masalah seperti demografi penuaan penduduk, kekurangan air, peningkatan kemacetan lalu lintas, polusi dan masalah kesehatan utama," kata Presiden Sohn. "Kita perlu menciptakan platform terbuka yang kuat yang akan memanfaatkan informasi yang dihasilkan oleh IoT untuk mengembangkan wawasan baru dan pendekatan baru untuk memenuhi tantangan yang kita hadapi sebagai masyarakat."

Untuk memungkinkan penyebaran cepat dari aplikasi dan layanan IoT, Presiden Sohn mengumumkan platform Samsung ARTIK. ARTIK adalah platform terbuka siap produksi yang mencakup hardware, software, development board, driver, seperangkat tool, fitur keamanan canggih dan konektivitas untuk membangun perangkat IoT yang terhubung cloud dengan cepat. Platform ARTIK datang dalam berbagai konfigurasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan spesifik dari berbagai segmen pasar IoT dari perangkat wearable dan smart home, hinga ke smart lighting dan aplikasi industri.

Untuk menunjukkan potensi IoT dalam memenuhi tantangan sosial yang utama, Presiden Sohn juga mengumumkan Samsung ARTIK Challenge - yang menawarkan hadiah utama sebesar $100.000 atau sekitar 1,3 milyar rupiah untuk penggunaan teknologi IoT dan ARTIK yang paling efektif untuk mengurangi konsumsi air oleh individu atau kota.

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Sepanjang pidatonya, Sohn menggarisbawahi pentingnya platform terbuka, keamanan dan ekosistem mitra yang semuanya diperlukan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan IoT dan mencapai manfaat penuh. Dia bergabung di atas panggung bersama perwakilan dari beberapa perusahaan startup yang bekerja sama dengan Samsung untuk mengembangkan teknologi berdasarkan platform yang terbuka. Selain itu, perusahaan mengumumkan bahwa platform Samsung ARTIK akan dimasukkan ke dalam versi masa depan dari semua peralatan digital Samsung dan peralatan rumah tangga mereka juga akan terhubung ke SmartThings Open Cloud Cloud.

Samsung Calls on Industry to Use Internet of Things to Tackle World’s Big Challenges

Accelerating open development and deployment of new IoT applications and services

Samsung ARTIK Challenge to encourage IoT solutions for water conservation

The President and Chief Strategy Officer of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Young Sohn has called on the technology industry to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to address major challenges the world faces today. He also emphasized the importance of open platforms and industry collaboration to accelerate development of new IoT applications and services.

“As an industry we must join together to use the power of IoT to address challenges posed by issues such as aging population demographics, water shortages, increasing traffic congestion, pollution and major health issues,” said Sohn. “We need to create powerful open platforms that will harness the information generated by IoT to develop new insights and new approaches to meet the challenges we face as a society.”

To enable faster deployment of IoT applications and services, Sohn announced the Samsung ARTIK™ platform. ARTIK is a production-ready, open platform that includes the hardware, software, development boards, drivers, tools, advanced security features and connectivity for rapidly building cloud-connected IoT devices. The ARTIK platform comes in a variety of configurations to meet the specific requirements of a wide range of IoT market segments from wearables and home automation, to smart lighting and industrial applications. More information on the ARTIK platform can be found by visiting

SmartThings Founder and CEO Alex Hawkinson joined with Young Sohn during his keynote to introduce SmartThings Open Cloud. Open Cloud is powered by SAMI, a data driven development platform that Samsung announced last May that includes simple, open APIs and SDKs. The open platform is a cloud-based software layer that allows the sharing of diverse data sets from an unlimited number of sources. This vast amount of data, which previously would have been impossible to bring together, can then be broken up into smaller chunks for visualization and analysis.

SmartThings Open Cloud allows any device connected to the Internet to communicate with any other connected device, generating new information, new correlations and entirely new insights. It enables device makers to focus on building IoT devices and applications without having to build and maintain the cloud infrastructure required to connect those devices.

To demonstrate the potential for IoT to meet major societal challenges, Sohn also announced the Samsung ARTIK Challenge – offering a top prize of $100,000 for the most effective use of IoT and ARTIK technology for reducing water consumption by individuals or municipalities.

More information on the Samsung ARTIK Challenge can be found at

Throughout his keynote address, Sohn underscored the importance of open platforms, security and an ecosystem of partners that are all necessary to accelerate the growth of IoT and achieve its full benefits. He was joined on stage by representatives of several startup companies Samsung is working with to develop technologies based on open platforms. In addition, the company announced that the Samsung ARTIK platform would be incorporated into future versions of Samsung digital appliances and that those appliances would also connect to the SmartThings Open Cloud.
